Department of Dynamics and Stability of Continuous Environments

S.P.Timoshenko Institute of Mechanics

of National Academy of Science of Ukraine

Department of Dynamics and Stability of Continuous Environments

The department was organized in 1967. The founder and Head of Department – Academician of NASU, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor O.M. Guz.

The main areas of scientific activity of the department:
  • three-dimensional theory of stability of deforming bodies;
  • theory of propagation and diffraction of elastic waves in deforming bodies;
  • nonclassical problems of fracture mechanics, analysis of which is impossible within the commonly accepted fracture criteria;
  • mechanics of composite materials and structural elements made of composites including mechanics of nanocomposites;
  • stress concentration near holes in shells;
  • numerical methods for solving nonlinear and degenerate problems of the theory of composite shells;
  • analytical and numerical methods of calculating non-circular cylindrical shells;
  • aerohydroelasticity;
  • mechanics of viscous compressible fluid;
  • contact problems for elastic bodies with initial stresses;
  • rock mechanics;
  • mechanics of layered and fibrous composites with curved structures;
  • nondestructive methods of determination of stresses in solids;
  • experimental methods of mechanics of shells and non-stationary aerohydroelasticity.
Currently, the department conducts scientific research on the following topics:
  1. SRW No. 412 "Development of analytical and numerical methods for calculating non-circular cylindrical shells under static and dynamic loads" (I.2018 - IV.2022).
  2. SRW No. 426 "Development of methods for solving problems of statics and dynamics for heterogeneous materials and thin-walled structural elements" (I.2020 - IV.2024).

The department employs: 2 Academicians and 1 Corresponding Member of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, 15 Doctor of Sciences and 9 Candidates of Sciences.

Contact Information:, phone:+380445967707

Head of the department

Oleksandr M. Guz , Doctor of Technical Sciences, Full Professor, Academician of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine.

Higher education: T. G. Shevchenko State University of Kyiv, Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics

Directions of scientific activity:
  • three-dimensional theory of stability of deformable solids;
  • the theory of propagation and diffraction of elastic waves in multiply connected bodies and prestressed bodies;
  • stress concentration around holes in shells;
  • mechanics of composites and structural members;
  • aerohydroelasticity;
  • nonclassical problems of fracture mechanics;
  • rock mechanics;
  • dynamics of compressible viscous fluid;
  • mechanics of nanocomposites;
  • nondestructive methods for determination of stresses in solids

Contact Information: desс, phone: +380445967707, build. ІІІ office 7

Major publications: He published 71 monographs (of which 20 without coauthors) and about 1000 research papers (of which 400 without coauthors).

He guided and directly participated (as author) in publication of multivolume collective fundamental monographs:

  • Methods of Shell Design in 5 volumes (1980–1982); Mechanics of Composites and Structural Members in 3 volumes (1982–1983);
  • Three-Dimensional Problems of Elasticity and Plasticity in 6 volumes (1984–986);
  • Mechanics of Coupled Fields in Structural Members in 5 volumes (1987–1989);
  • Nonclassical Problems of Fracture Mechanics in 4 volumes (1990–1994);
  • Mechanics of Composites in 12 volumes (1993–2003);
  • Advances in Mechanics in 6 volumes (2005–2012);
  • Modern Problems of Mechanics in 3 volumes (2016–2018).

Recently, he published two monographs in English abroad in the Springer publishing house:

  • Guz A.N., Bogdanov V.L., Nazarenko V.M. Fracture of Materials Under Compression Along Cracks /in: Advanced Structured Materials, Vol. 138. – Cham: Springer Nature Switzerland AG, 2020. - 490 p.
  • Alexander N. Guz. Eight Non-Classical Problems of Fracture Mechanics / in: Advanced Structured Materials, Vol. 159. – Cham: Springer Nature Switzerland AG, 2021. – 366 p.

Department staff

Stepan Yu. Babich, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Full Professor, Leading Researcher

Higher education: Uzhhorod National University, Mathematics Faculty.

Directions of scientific activity: Development of methods for solving contact problems for bodies with initial stresses and related problems of Rayleigh surface wave propagation for prestressed bodies with curvilinear boundaries (cylinder, sphere).

Links to information about the researcher on the Internet:

Contact Information:, phone: +380445967738, build ІІІ office 5

Major publications:
  • Guz О.М., Babich S.Yu., Rudnitsky V.B. Contact interaction of elastic bodies with initial stresses. - Kyiv: Vyshcha Shkola, 1995. – 304 p. (In Ukrainian)
  • Guz A.N., Babich S.Yu., Glukhov Yu.P. Statics and dynamics of elastic foundations with initial (residual) stresses. - Кremenchuk “Press-line”, 2007. - 795c. (In Russian).
  • Guz A.N., Babich S.Yu., Glukhov Yu.P. Mixed problems for an elastic foundation with initial stresses. - LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing, 2015. - 468c. (In Russian).
  • Guz A.N., Babich S.Yu., Rudnitsky V.B. Contact problems for elastic bodies with initial stresses: Focus on Ukrainian research // Appl. Mech. Rew. - 1998. - 51, № 5. - P. 343-371.
  • Babich S.Yu., Guz A.N., Rudnitsky V.B. Contact problems for elastic bodies with initial (residual) stresses (Part I). - Problems of tribology. – 2002. – N 2. – p. 34-51.
  • Babich S.Yu., Guz A.N., Rudnitsky V.B. Contact problems for elastic bodies with initial (residual) stresses (Part II).- Problems of tribology. – 2002. – N 3,4. – p. 12-35.
  • Babich, S.Yu., Guz, A.N., Rudnitskii V.B. Contact problems for prestressed elastic bodies and rigid and elastic punches \ Int. Appl. Mech. – 2004. – 40, N 7. – P. 744-765.
  • Babich S.Yu., Glukhov Yu.P., Guz A.N. Dynamics of a prestressed incompressible layered half-space under moving load // Int. Appl. Mech. – 2008. – 44, N 3. – P. 268 – 285.
  • Babich S.Yu., Glukhov Yu.P., Guz A.N. A dynamic problem for a prestressed compressible layered half-space // Int. Appl. Mech. – 2008. – 44, N 4. – P. 388-405.
  • Babich S.Yu., Glukhov Yu.P. Bending a Plate on Prestressed Elastic Foundation Under Live Static Load // Int. Appl. Mech. – 2017. – 53, N 3. – P. 287-299.
  • Babich S.Yu., Dikhtyaruk N.N., Degtyar S.V. Contact Problem for Two Identical Strips Reinforced by Periodically Arranged Fasteners with Initial Stresses // Int. Appl. Mech. – 2019. – 55, N 6. – P. 629-635.
  • Babich S.Yu., Dikhtyaruk N.N. Load Transfer from an Infinite Inhomogeneous Stringer to a Prestressed Elastic Strip Clamped at One Edge // Int. Appl. Mech. – 2020. – 56, N 6. – P. 708-716.
  • Babich S.Yu., Glukhov Yu.P. On One Dynamic Problem for a Multilayer Half-Space with Initial Stresses // Int. Appl. Mech. – 2021. – 57, N 1. – P. 43-52.

Oleksandr M. Bagno, Doctor of Sciences ( Physics and Mathematics), Senior researcher

Higher education: T. G. Shevchenko State University of Kyiv, Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics

Directions of scientific activity: Scientific interests are concentrated in the development of the three-dimensional linearized theory of hydroelasticity for bodies with initial stresses and viscous fluids applied to solving specific problems of dynamics; numerical-analytical methods of research of wave processes in elastic-fluid systems consisting of a viscous compressible fluid and elastic bodies subject to initial deformations.

Links to information about the researcher on the Internet:

Contact Information:, desс, phone: +380445967707, build ІІІ, office 9

Major publications:
  • Guz A.N., Bagno A.M. Influence of Prestresses on Quasi-Lamb Modes in Hydroelastic Waveguides // Int. Appl. Mech. – 2020. – 56, N 1. – P. 1 – 12.
  • Bagno A.M. Propagation of Waves in an Elastic Half-Space Interacting with a Viscous Liquid Layer // Int. Appl. Mech. – 2020. – 56, N 6. – P. 700 – 707.
  • Guz A.N., Bagno A.M. Effect of the Initial Stresses on Waves in the System Consisting of a Viscous Fluid Layer and a Compressible Elastic Half-Space // Int. Appl. Mech. – 2021. – 57, N 1. – P. 1 – 10.

Yurii P. Hlukhov, Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Associate Professor, Senior Researcher

Higher education: T. G. Shevchenko State University of Kyiv, Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics

Directions of scientific activity:Investigation of wave processes in pre-deformed elastic layered bodies under the influence of moving loads.

Contact Information:, phone: +380445967710, +380675597746, build ІІІ, office 17

Major publications:
  • Babich S. Yu., Glukhov Yu. P., Guz A. N. Dynamics of a layered compressible pre-stressed halfspace under the influence of a moving load// Int.Appl.Mech. – 1986. – 22, N 9. – P.808 – 815.
  • Glukhov Yu. P. Critical velocities of a load on a plate in an incompressible prestrained half-space// Int.Appl.Mech. – 1986. – 22, N 10. – P.956 – 960.
  • Babich S. Yu., Glukhov Yu. P., Guz A. N. Toward the solution of the problem of the action of a live load on a two-layer half-space with initial stresses// Int.Appl.Mech. – 1988. – 24, N 8. – P.775 – 780.
  • Babich S. Yu., Glukhov Yu. P., Chernushenko I. I. Contact problem for a preliminarily stressed halfplane in the case of a system of rigid dies, taking account of frictional forces// Int.Appl.Mech. – 1990. – 26, N 2. – P.188 – 192.
  • Babich S.Yu., Glukhov Yu.P. and Guz A.N. Dynamics of a Prestressed Incompressible Layered Half-Space under Moving Load // Int.Appl.Mech. – 2008. – 44, N 3. – P.268 – 285.
  • Babich S.Yu., Glukhov Yu.P. and Guz A.N. Dynamic Problem for a Prestressed Compressible Layered Half-Space // Int.Appl.Mech. – 2008. – 44, N 4. – P.388 – 405.
  • Babich S.Yu., Glukhov Yu.P. and Guz A.N. Using Complex Potentials to Determine the Reaction of a Prestressed Two-Layer Elastic Half-Space to a Moving Load // Int.Appl.Mech. – 2008. – 44, N 5. – P. 481 – 492.
  • Glukhov Yu.P. The dynamics of multilayered pre-stressed semispace under the influence of moving load // Dopov. Nac. akad. nauk Ukr. – 2010. – N 2. – P. 53 – 58. (In Russian)
  • Gluchov Yu.P. Multilayered pre-stressed semi-space under the influence of moving load // Dopov. Nac. akad. nauk Ukr. – 2011. – N 7. – P. 52 – 57. (In Russian)
  • Gluchov Yu.P. Multilayered pre-stressed plate with the rigid basis under the influence of moving load. Plane problem // Dopov. Nac. akad. nauk Ukr. – 2011. – N 11. – P. 65 – 69. (In Russian)
  • Gluchov Yu.P. About one dynamic problem for multilayered plate with the rigid basis // Dopov. Nac. akad. nauk Ukr. – 2011. – N 8. – P. 48 – 53. (In Russian)
  • Gluchov Yu.P. The dynamics of multilayered pre-stressed plate with the rigid basis under the influence of moving load // Dopov. Nac. akad. nauk Ukr. – 2012. – N 2. – P. 70 – 75. (In Russian)
  • Babich S.Yu., Gluchov Yu.P. Bending a plate on prestressed elastic foundation under live static load // Int. Appl. Mech/ - 2017. - 53, N 3. – P. 287 – 299.
  • Babich S.Yu., Gluchov Yu.P., Kornienko V.F. To the problem of propagation of surface waves of Relay in pre-stressed bodies with curvilinear boundaries // Dopov. Nac. akad. nauk Ukr. – 2019. – N 10. – P.21 – 28. (In Russian)
  • Babich S.Yu. Bending a plate on prestressed elastic foundation under live static load // Int. Appl. Mech. – 2021. – 57, N 1. – P. 43 – 52.
  • Guz A.N., Babich S.Yu., Glukhov Yu.P. Statics and dinamics of the elastic grounds with initial (residual) stresses. – Kremenchug: Publisher “Kremenchug”, 2007. – 795 p. (In Russian)
  • Guz A.N., Babich S.Yu., Glukhov Yu.P. Mixed tasks of an elastic ground with initial stresses. – Deutschland, Saarbrucken: LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing, 2015. – 468 c. (In Russian)

Oleksandr P. Zhuk, Doctor of Sciences ( Physics and Mathematics), Senior researcher.

Higher education: Dnipropetrovsk Institute of Railway Transport Engineering

Directions of scientific activity:
  • Mechanics of solids
  • Acoustics and waves
  • Interaction of acoustic waves with rigid and elastic particles placed in liquid
  • Acoustic radiation forces

Links to information about the researcher on the Internet:

Contact Information:, phone: +380445967743, build ІІІ office 11

Major publications:
  • Zhuk, A.P., Zhuk, Y.A. Effect of Radiation Force on a Flexible Spherical Particle at the Free Liquid Surface (2020) International Applied Mechanics, 56 (6), pp. 690-699. DOI:
  • Zhuk, A.P., Zhuk, Y.A. On the Acoustic Radiation Force Acting Upon a Rigid Spherical Particle Near the Free Liquid Surface (2018) International Applied Mechanics, 54 (5), pp. 544-551.
  • Guz, A.N., Zhuk, A.P., Bagno, A.M. Dynamics of Elastic Bodies, Solid Particles, and Fluid Parcels in a Compressible Viscous Fluid (Review) (2016) International Applied Mechanics, 52 (5), pp. 449-507.
  • Guz, A.N., Zhuk, A.P. Effect of Acoustic Radiation in a Viscous Liquid on a Spherical Drop of Ideal Liquid (2014) International Applied Mechanics, 50 (6), pp. 605-614.
  • Zhuk, A.P., Kubenko, V.D., Zhuk, Y.A. Acoustic radiation acting on a liquid sphere in a circular cylinder filled with a fluid (2013) International Applied Mechanics, 49 (5), pp. 501-511.
  • Zhuk, A.P., Kubenko, V.D., Zhuk, Y.A. Acoustic radiation force on a spherical particle in a fluid-filled cavity (2012) Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 132 (4), pp. 2189-2197.
  • Guz, A.N., Zhuk, A.P. 7102556771;7005528273; Dynamics of a rigid cylinder near a plane boundary in the radiation field of an acoustic wave (2009) Journal of Fluids and Structures, 25 (7), pp. 1206-1212.
  • Zhuk, A.P. Dynamics of a spherical particle near a flat liquid boundary under acoustic radiation forces (2008) International Applied Mechanics, 44 (11), pp. 1223-1232. 10.1007/s10778-009-0144-4
  • Guz, A.N., Zhuk, A.P. Motion of solid particles in a liquid under the action of an acoustic field: The mechanism of radiation pressure (2004) Prikladnaya Mekhanika, 40 (3), pp. 11-34.
  • Guz A. N., Zhuk A.P.А.Makhort F.G. Waves in the prestressesd layers – Kiev: Naukova Dumka, 1978. – 103 p. (In Russian)

Viktoria Kornienko, Candidate of Technical Sciences (Structural Mechanics), Senior Researcher

Higher education: Kyiv National University of Construction and Architecture

Directions of scientific activity: The main direction of scientific activity is related to the study of the nonlinear dynamic evolution of flexible extension elements with nonlinear-elastic and non-potential viscoelastic characteristics and the study of harmonic oscillations and waves in piezoelectric and elastic bodies by numerical methods.

Contact Information:, phone: +380445967707, build ІІІ office 9

Major publications:
  • Meish V.F., Meish Yu.A., Kornienko V.F. Dynamics of the Three-layer Shells of Different Geometry with a Piece-wise Homogeneous Filler under Distributed Loads (2021) International Applied Mechanics, 57 (6), pp. 659-668. DOI:
  • Shul’ga N.A., Grigor’eva L.O., Kornienko V.F. Harmonic thickness vibrations of inhomogeneous elastic layers with curved boundaries (2011) International Applied Mechanics, 47 (1), pp. 62-69. DOI:
  • Bezverkhii A.I., Kornienko V.F., Shul’ga N.A. Forced Spatial Vibrations of Anchor Cable Systems (2001) International Applied Mechanics, 37 (9), pp. 1222-1228. DOI:
  • Bezverkhii A.I., Kornienko V.F., Shul’ga N.A. The Viscoelastic Effect of the Cable on the Dynamics of an Underwater Towed System Suspended from a Buoy (2001) International Applied Mechanics, 37 (8), pp. 1055-1061. DOI:

Volodymyr A. Maksymyuk, Doctor of Sciences ( Physics and Mathematics), Senior researcher.

Higher education: T. G. Shevchenko State University of Kyiv

Directions of scientific activity: Methods and algorithms for numerical solution of nonlinear degenerate problems of composite shell theory.

Contact Information:, phone: +380445967743, build ІІІ office 13

Major publications:
  • A.N. Guz, A.S. Kosmodamianskii, V.P. Shevchenko, et al., Stress Concentration, Vol. 7 of the 12-volume series Mechanics of Composite Materials [in Russian], A.S.K., Kyiv (1988).
  • V.A. Maksymyuk, “The nature of physical economy as a science” in: Physical economy in the dimensions of theory and practice of management: a collective monograph [in Ukrainian], Ed. Yu.O. Lupenko, V.М. Zhuk, V.О. Shevchuk and O.V. Khodakivska, NSC "Institute of Agrarian Economics", Kyiv (2013), pp. 27–50.
  • V.A. Maksimyuk, “Physically nonlinear problems of the theory of orthotropic composite shells with a curvilinear opening,” Int. Appl. Mech., 34, No. 9, 835–839 (1998).
  • V.A. Maksimyuk, E.A. Storozhuk, and I.S. Chernyshenko, “Variational finite-difference methods in linear and nonlinear problems of the deformation of metallic and composite shells (review),” Int. Appl. Mech., 48, No. 6, 613–687 (2012).
  • V. A. Maksimyuk, E. A. Sushchenko, and I. B. Fetisov, “Technique of strain-gauge measurement of the dynamic characteristics of percussion music,” Int. Appl. Mech., 56, No. 2, 186–191 (2020).

Eugene A. Storozhuk, Doctor of Sciences ( Physics and Mathematics), Full Professor, Leading Researcher.

Higher education: T. G. Shevchenko State University of Kyiv, Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics

Directions of scientific activity: are analytical, numerical and analytical- numerical methods of solving nonlinear and linear problems of the theory of metal and composite shells of non-canonical shape and shells with holes.

Contact Information:, phone: +380445967707, build ІІІ office 7

Major publications:
  • Maximyuk V.A., Storozhuk E.A., Chernyshenko I.S. Using Mesh-based Methods to Solve Nonlinear Problems of Statics for Thin Shells // Int. Appl. Mech. – 2009. – 45, N 1. – P.32 – 56.
  • Guz A.N., Storozhuk E.A., Chernyshenko I.S. Nonlinear Two-Dimensional Static Problems for Thin Shells with Reinforced Curvilinear Holes // Int. Appl. Mech. – 2009. – 45, N 12. – P.1269 –1300.
  • Maximyuk V.A., Storozhuk E.A., Chernyshenko I.S. Variational Finite-Difference Methods in Linear and Nonlinear Problems of the Deformation of Metallic and Composite Shells (review) // Int. Appl. Mech. – 2012. – 48, N 6. – P.613 – 687.
  • Storozhuk E.A., Yatsura, A.V. Exact Solutions of Boundary-Value Problems for Noncircular Cylindrical Shells // Int. Appl. Mech. – 2016. – 52, N 4. – P. 386 – 397.
  • Storozhuk E.A., Yatsura, A.V. Analytical-Numerical Solution of Static Problems for Noncircular Cylindrical Shells of Variable Thickness // Int. Appl. Mech. – 2017. – 53, N 3. – P. 313 – 325.
  • Storozhuk E. A., Komarchuk S.M. Stress Distribution Near a Circular Hole in a Flexible Orthotropic Cylindrical Shell of Elliptical Cross-Section // Int. Appl. Mech. – 2018. – 54, N 6. – P.– 687– 694.
  • Storozhuk E. A., Maksimyuk V.A., Chernyshenko I. S. Nonlinear Elastic State of a Composite Cylindrical Shell with a Rectangular Hole // Int. Appl. Mech. – 2019. – 55, N 5. – P. 504–514.
  • Kudin O.V., Storozhuk E.A., Choporov S.V. Approximate analytical and numerical methods of strength analysis of three-layer thin-walled structures. - Kherson: "Helvetyka" Publishing House, 2019. - 160 p. (In Ukrainian)

Ivan S. Chernyshenko , Doctor of Technical Sciences, Full Professor, Corresponding Member of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Principal Researcher.

Higher education: T. G. Shevchenko State University of Kyiv, Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics

Directions of scientific activity: physically and geometrically nonlinear theory of isotropic and orthotropic shells of complex geometry with holes, numerical methods and algorithms for solving applied problems of stress concentration, shape change and formation of thin shells of rotation, mechanics of destruction of bodies with stress concentrators.

Contact Information: desс, phone: +380445967743, build ІІІ office 13

Major publications:
  • A. N. Guz, I. S. Chernyshenko, and K. I. Shnerenko, Spherical Bottoms Weakened by Holes [in Russian], Naukova Dumka, Kyiv (1970).
  • A.N.Guz,I.S.Chernyshenko,Val.N.Chekhov,Vik.N.Chekhov,andK.I.Shnerenko,CylindricalShellsWeakenedby Holes [in Russian], Naukova Dumka, Kyiv (1974).
  • A. N. Guz, I. S. Chernyshenko, Val. N. Chekhov, Vik. N. Chekhov, and K. I. Shnerenko, Theory of Thin Shells Weakened by Holes, Vol. 1 of the five-volume series Methods of Shell Design [in Russian].
  • A. N. Guz, A. G. Makarenkov, and I. S. Chernyshenko, Structural Strength of Solid-Propellant Engine [in Russian], Mashinostroenie, Moscow (1980).
  • A. N. Guz, A. S. Kosmodamianskii, V. P. Shevchenko, I. S. Chernyshenko, et al., Stress Concentration, Vol. 7 of the 12-volume series Mechanics of Composite Materials [in Russian], A.S.K., Kyiv (1998).
  • Maximyuk V.A., Storozhuk E.A., Chernyshenko I.S. Using Mesh-based Methods to Solve Nonlinear Problems of Statics for Thin Shells // Int. Appl. Mech. – 2009. – 45, N 1. – P.32 – 56.
  • Guz A.N., Storozhuk E.A., Chernyshenko I.S. Nonlinear Two-Dimensional Static Problems for Thin Shells with Reinforced Curvilinear Holes // Int. Appl. Mech. – 2009. – 45, N 12. – P.1269 –1300.
  • Maximyuk V.A., Storozhuk E.A., Chernyshenko I.S. Variational Finite-Difference Methods in Linear and Nonlinear Problems of the Deformation of Metallic and Composite Shells (review) // Int. Appl. Mech. – 2012. – 48, N 6. – P.613 – 687.

Galyna I. Shchuruk, Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Senior Researcher.

Higher education: T. G. Shevchenko State University of Kyiv, Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics

Directions of scientific activity: The main direction of scientific research: the study of wave processes in cylindrical orthotropic shells that contain an ideal or viscous compressible fluid in the general case of non-axisymmetric oscillations; study of wave processes in pre-deformed elastic half-spaces that interact with a layer of viscous compressible fluid; wave processes in a pre-deformed layer located on a compressible viscous liquid half-space.

Contact Information:, phone: +380445966292, build І office 313

Major publications:
  • Dynamics of bodies interacting with the environment (Guz A.N., Markush Sh., Pust L. and others). Ed. A.N. Guz. - Kyiv: Nauk.dumka, 1991. - 392 p. (In Russian)
  • Bagno A.M., Guz A.N., Shchuruk G.I. Nonaxisymmetric Waves in an Orthotropic Timoshenko Shell Containing a Viscous Fluid // Int. Appl. Mech. – 1990. – 26, N 12. – PP. 1132 – 1137.
  • Bagno O.M., Shchuruk G.I. Peculiarities of the wave process in the system elastic layer - viscous liquid // Dopov. akad. nauk Ukr. – 1993. – No. 9. - P.52 - 56. (In Ukrainian)
  • Bagno A.M., Guz A.N., Shchuruk G.I. Waves in a Prestressed Elastic Layer in Com-pression Interacting with an Ideal Fluid // Int. Appl. Mech. – 1994. – 30, N 2. – PP. 85 – 90.
  • Bagno A.M., Guz A.N., Shchuruk G.I. Influence of Fluid Viscosity on Waves in an Initially Deformed, Compressible, Elastic Layer Interacting with a Fluid Medium // Int. Appl. Mech. – 1994. – 30, N 9. – PP. 643 – 649.